What a sad observation of women and of love
What has become of it , valueless
To find a woman with indefinite attachment and yet
the man can spare none for her
And yet he may share his love with a dozen others
What is just one woman ? No , you would need lots and lots
While some women aspire to find partners based
on degree of looks and wealth
Wealth and appearance are put the peripherals of love
They say love is a battlefield...
Then arm yourself - steady on your feet
Woman you will be subjected to the lying tongue of a man
Or the violent strike and the late night argument
Long ago when love was a duty , it was done dutifully
Am sure it was duly appreciated
Sir Lancelot of Camelot and his Damsel-in-Distress
Since then we have sought to destroy everything
Warnings of Global Warming , the white rhino
Will you destroy love also?
Love claimed greater than death
Biblicilly recognized as the greatest gift of all
Oh, when men would go to war for love
The thousand ships of the beach of troy and the young lovers defying all
Kings , governments , soldiers and peace - all for love
Oh , when writers would write about love like Shakespeare did:
Love alters not when it alteration finds...
When King would defy Lord and Religion for his mistress Boleyn
The age of duels , cloaks laid for chivalry
Alas! What an age
Where women and love are not valued.
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